Dan Edwards 1,134 Posted May 18, 2010 Report Share Posted May 18, 2010 Maybe we all can learn something from this stuff. Instead of arguing and bickering and worrying about what this cross and that cross can do, maybe we can keep it simple and use dogs and not worry so much about the lineage. This passage was taken from another site. Possessing many of the elements of the sheep-dog, but employed for different purposes, the LURCHER has fallen into great disrepute, being seldom seen as the companion of respectable persons. It is bred from the greyhound and sheep-dog, and is supposed to be most valuable when its parents are the rough Scotch Greyhound and the Scotch Colley. It is a matter of some regret that the Dog should bear so bad a character, as it is a remarkably handsome animal, combining the best attributes of both parents, and being equally eminent in speed, scent, and intelligence. As, however, it is usually the companion of poachers and other disreputable characters, the gamekeeper bears a deadly hatred towards the Lurcher, and is sure to shoot the poor animal at the earliest opportunity. […] Sometimes the game-destroying instincts of the Lurcher take a wrong turn, and lead the animal to hunt sheep, instead of confining itself to ordinary game. When it becomes thus perverted it is a most dangerous foe to the flocks, and commits sad havoc among them. […] There are many breeds of the Lurcher, on account of the various Dogs of which the parentage is formed. The greyhound and sheep-dog are the original progenitors, but their offspring is crossed with various other Dogs, in order to obtain the desired qualifications. Thus, the greyhound is used on account of its speedy foot and silent tongue, and the sheep-dog on account of its hardiness, its sagacity, and its readiness in obeying its master. The spaniel is often made to take part in the pedigree, in order to give its well-known predilection for questing game, and the hound is employed for a similar purpose. But in all these crossings the greyhound must morally predominate, although its form is barely to be traced under the rough linearnents of the Lurcher. As the Lurcher causes such suspicion in the minds of the gamekeeper or the landlord, the owners of these Dogs were accustomed to cut off their tails, in order to make them look like honourable sheep-dogs, and so to escape the tax which presses upon sporting Dogs […] it can take upon itself that character in reality which its cropped tail too often falsely indicates, and can watch a fold, keep the sheep in order, or conduct them from one place to another, nearly if not quite as well as the true sheep-dog from which it sprang. Quote Link to post
Dan Edwards 1,134 Posted May 18, 2010 Author Report Share Posted May 18, 2010 It is hardly possible to conceive an animal which is more entirely formed for speed and endurance than a well-bred GREYHOUND. Its long slender legs, with their whipceord-like muscles, denote extreme length of stride and rapidity of movement; its deep, broad chest, affording plenty of space for the play of large lungs, shows that it is capable of long continued exertion; while its sharply pointed nose, snake-like neck, and slender, tapering tail, are so formed as to afford the least possible resistance to the air, through which the creature passes with such exceeding speed. The chief use - if use it can be termed - of the Greyhound, is in coursing the hare, and exhibiting in this chase its marvellous swiftness, and its endurance of fatigue. Naturally, the Greyhound of pure blood is not possessed of a very determined character, and it is therefore found necessary to give these creatures the proper amount of endurance by crossing them with the bull-dog, one of the most determined and courageous animals in existence. As may be supposed, the immediate offspring of a bulldog and a Greyhound is a most ungainly animal, but by continually crossing with the pure Greyhound, the outward shape of the thick and sturdy bull-dog is entirely merged in the more graceful animal, while his, stubborn pertinacity remains implanted in its nature. The narrow head and sharp nose of the Greyhound, useful as they are for aiding the progress of the animal by removing every impediment to its passage through the atmosphere, yet deprive it of a most valuable faculty, that of chasing by scent. The muzzle is so narrow in proportion to its length, that the nasal nerves have no room for proper development, and hence the animal is very deficient in its powers of scent. The same circumstance may be noted in many other animals. I like that passage a bunch. Here is a group of pictures to go with this stuff. Quote Link to post
Dan Edwards 1,134 Posted May 18, 2010 Author Report Share Posted May 18, 2010 More great stuff and keepin it simple. The IRISH GREYHOUND is a remarkably fine animal, being four feet in length, and very firmly built. Its hair is of a pale fawn colour, and much rougher than that of the smooth English Greyhound. Unless excited by the sight of its game, or by anger, it is a very peaceable animal; but when roused, exhibits a most determined spirit. In former days, when wolves and wild boars infested the Irish forests, this Dog was used for the purpose of extirpating those animals but in these days their numbers are comparatively few. When fighting, it takes its antagonist by the back, and shakes the life out of its foe by main strength. One of these Dogs measured sixty-one inches in total length; twenty-eight and a half inches from the toe to the top of the shoulder; and thirty-five inches in girth. The SCOTCH GREYHOUND is still rougher in its coat than its Irish relative, but hardly so large in its make: a very fine example of these Dogs, of the pure Glengarry, Breed measures twenty-eight inches in height, and thirty-four inches in girth, being a little smaller thatn the Irish Dog which was mentioned above. There seems to be but one breed of the Scotch Greyhound, although some families are termed Deerhounds and others are only called Greyhounds. Each however, from being constantly employed in the chase of either deer or hare, becomes gradually fitted for the pursuit of its special quarrv, and contracts certain habits which render it comparatively useless when set to chase the wrong animal. The Scotch Deerhound is possessed of better powers of scent- than the Greyhound and in chasing its game depends as much on its nose as on its eyes. And it is curious too, that although it makes use of its olfactory powers when running, it holds its head higher from the ground than the Greyhound, which only uses its eyes. THE RUSSIAN GREYHOUND is also gifted with the power of running by scent, and is employed at the present day for the same purposes which Irish Greyhounds subserved in former times. Many Russian forests are infested with wild boars, wolves, and bears, and this powerful and swift Dog is found of great use in the destruction of these quadrupedal pests. In size it is about equal to the Scotch Greyhound. It is not exclusively used for the chase of the large and savage beasts, but is also employed in catching deer, hares, and other animals which come under the ordinary category of “game.†The fur of this Dog is thick, but does not run to any length. The noble and graceful animal which is the representative of the Greyhound family in Persia, derives its origin from a source which is hidden in the mists of antiquity, and has been employed in the chase of swift-footed animals from time immemorial. Powerful of jaw, quick and supple of limb, the PERSIAN GREYHOUND is chosen to cope with that swift and daring animal, the wild ass, as well as with the no less rapid antelope, and the slower, but more dangerous, wild boar. Of all these creatures, the wild ass gives the most trouble, for it instinctively keeps to rocky and mountainous neighbourhoods, which afford a refuge unassailable by the sure-footed Persian horse, and from which it can only be driven by such agile creatures as the native Greyhounds. So untiring is the wild ass, and so boldly does it traverse the rocky mountain spurs among which it loves to dwell, that a single ass will Frequently escape, even though several relays of Greyhounds have been provided to take up the running at different parts of the course, as soon as their predecessors are fatigued. For the antelope the Greyhound would be no match, and is therefore assisted by the falcon, which is trained to settle on the head of the flying animal, and by flapping its wings in the poor creature’s eyes, to prevent it from following a direct course, and thus to make it an easier prey to the Greyhound which is following in the track Of this curious mixture of falconry and hunting the Persian nobles are passionately fond, and peril their lives in ravines and among rocks that would quail the spirit of our boldest foxhunters. It is said that the Persian Greyhound is not the safest of allies, for if it should fail in its chase it is reputed to turn its wasting energies upon its master, and to force him, Actaeon-like, to seek his safety in flight; or, more fortunate than his cornuted prototype, to rid himself of his dependents by a blow from his ready scimitar. The Persian is said to be especially addicted to this vice when it is imported into India. This animal is rather slender in make, and its ears are “feathered†after the fashion of the Blenheim spaniel’s. Nevertheless, it is a powerful and bold creature, and can hold its own among any assemblage of Dogs of its own weight. A more utter contrast to the above-mentioned animal [Persian Greyhound] can hardly be imagined than that which is afforded the ITALIAN GREYHOUND, a little creature whose merit consists in its diminutive proportions and its slender limbs […] the delicate, shivering, faint-hearted Italian Greyhound; sad type of the people from which it takes its name. In truth, the Italian Greyhound is but a dwarfed example of the true smooth Greyhound, dwarfed after the same manner that delights our Celestial friends, when tried on vegetable instead of animal life. The weight of a really good Italian Greyhound ought not to exceed eight or ten pounds; and there are animals of good shape which only- weigh six or seven pounds. One of the most perfect Dogs of the present day weighs eight and three-quarter pounds, and is fourteen and a quarter Inches in height. His colour is uniformly black. Attempts have been made to employ the Italian Greyhound in the chase of rabbits, but its power of jaw and endurance of character are so disproportioned to its speed, that all such endeavours have failed. A mixed breed, between the Italian Greyhound and the terrier, is useful enough, combining endurance with speed, and perfectly capable of chasing and holding a rabbit. In this country, it is only used as a petted companion, and takes rank among the “toy-dogs,†being subject to certain arbitrary rules of colour and form, which may render a Dog worthless for one year through the very same qualities which would make it a paragon of perfection in another. The Dutch tulip-mania afforded no more capricious versatility of criterion than is found in the “points†of toy Dogs of the present day. If the creature be of a uniform colour, it must be free from the least spot of white; and even a white stain on the breast is held to deteriorate from its perfection. The colour which is most in vogue is a golden fawn; and the white and red Dog takes the last place in the valuation of colour. It is a pretty little creature, active and graceful to a degree, and affectionate to those who know how to win its affections. Even in the breed of our British smooth Greyhounds, this little animal has been successfully employed, and by a careful admixture with the larger Dog, takes away the heavy, clumsy aspect of the head which is caused by the bulldog alliance, and restores to the offspring the elastic grace of the original Greyhound. It is generally bred in Spain and. Italy, and from thence imported into this country, where the change of climate is so apt to affect its lungs, that its owners are forced to keep it closely swathed in warm clothing during the changeable months of the year. Quote Link to post
miss lurcher bitch 319 Posted May 18, 2010 Report Share Posted May 18, 2010 wow mr dan thats a really good write up i well enjoyed reading that atb mlb Quote Link to post
Dan Edwards 1,134 Posted May 18, 2010 Author Report Share Posted May 18, 2010 wow mr dan thats a really good write up i well enjoyed reading that atb mlb Just to make sure everybody understands. MY DUMBASS DID NOT WRITE ANY OF THIS! Quote Link to post
Guest jt750 Posted May 18, 2010 Report Share Posted May 18, 2010 wow mr dan thats a really good write up i well enjoyed reading that atb mlb Just to make sure everybody understands. MY DUMBASS DID NOT WRITE ANY OF THIS! But YOUR dumbass was good enough to cross post this from another forum ..well done mate ..i know a little of the lurcher history but the greyhound family worldwide i knew nothing of Quote Link to post
tinytiger 840 Posted May 18, 2010 Report Share Posted May 18, 2010 I think there was 5 different kinds of greyhound in england at one stage(all ideal for their own locality),they all contributed to the dogs we have today. good article by the way -thanks for posting it. Quote Link to post
Dan Edwards 1,134 Posted May 18, 2010 Author Report Share Posted May 18, 2010 I think there was 5 different kinds of greyhound in england at one stage(all ideal for their own locality),they all contributed to the dogs we have today. good article by the way -thanks for posting it. I dont know if your magic number 5 is correct but I do agree with your line of thought. Dogs have tranformed throughout the years and if you follow their paths its quite funny how complicated "the suffistacants" try to make it. Me myself, I'm just a dumb redneck so I keep it quite simple. Complicating it and makin up breed standards is the reason for the decline certain lines of dogs and for their absolutely humrous appearances today. Some think they are unique and they follow all the bullshit romantic ideals when in fact they are quit comical and actually deformed to be quite honest. A fast enduring dog that can catch a hare(jack rabbit to me), a deer, a fox or a coyote should all be built damn near the same. Sure there can be difference in color and coat depending on locale and of course a difference in size depending on whether the dog is a specialists on bunnies all the way to a big deer but come on folks any of use who truely know what a fast enduring dog is knows the facts. Quote Link to post
dogs-n-natives 1,182 Posted May 18, 2010 Report Share Posted May 18, 2010 Nice read Dan, thanks for posting Quote Link to post
Dan Edwards 1,134 Posted May 18, 2010 Author Report Share Posted May 18, 2010 This picture was taken in 1920. I wonder if these dogs or men really gave a tinkers cuss whether or not these dogs knew what breed they were. I'll but just about anything though that they all had one thing in common. They were all most likely damn good at catchin a hare. Quote Link to post
Kye 77 Posted May 18, 2010 Report Share Posted May 18, 2010 Nice post,...funny how some guys thought you wrote it Dan,...having met you, i had no doubt that it was a "cut and paste' job,...lol. Dan, the description of the Irish/Scots Greyhound sound identical to Cotton, Blue, Stitch, Blister and Tor!... Kye,. Quote Link to post
Dan Edwards 1,134 Posted May 18, 2010 Author Report Share Posted May 18, 2010 Nice post,...funny how some guys thought you wrote it Dan,...having met you, i had no doubt that it was a "cut and paste' job,...lol. Dan, the description of the Irish/Scots Greyhound sound identical to Cotton, Blue, Stitch, Blister and Tor!... Kye,. Kye, come on fella, you know I'm a dog gone genius. As far as the Irish/Scots grehounds go...............I know, aint it great. I have tried and tried to convince some of these so called hunters that you dont need to be mixin and matchin all this shit together, just get you a real life huntin greyhound and you will have what you need. At the same time, I'm always the dumbshit that sits around thinkin, "now what could I add to this dog and add to that dog to combine it all and make it better". I'm startin to think, it most likely cant be done. HAHA! Quote Link to post
Kye 77 Posted May 18, 2010 Report Share Posted May 18, 2010 imo, its human nature mate,...'what if we did this?', 'shoulda, coulda, woulda',...etc. I think, with the type of work that me and you do, some good solid, old type Staghound, with a smidgen of good Bull blood, is what we need....you just need more dogs, so you can rest the ones you have now!..lol...hopefully, Tor will be hooking you up, later today, or tomorrow brother... Kye,.. Quote Link to post
hogs head 19 Posted May 18, 2010 Report Share Posted May 18, 2010 cracking read mate thanks for that Quote Link to post
johnny boy68 11,726 Posted May 18, 2010 Report Share Posted May 18, 2010 Good post Dan as always keeping it real.....John Quote Link to post
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